Looks like the big brother of the Asus Eee PC, the Asus Eee PC 900 will be sporting a 9″ (8.9″ actually) touchscreen display after all!
Digitimes is reporting on the 8.9″ sequel to the wildly popular 7″ Eee PC, mentions that in addition to touchscreen displays, there might be a possibility of GPS options. This, according to Kevin Lin, who is the Vice President of Asustek Sales (which makes him a very reliable source).
We are talking about a price of around $500 USD ($15,000 NT).
The Eee PC series has been a little behind on meeting demand, however Asustek plans on shipping five million of these in 2008 (I’m assuming both the 7″ and 8.9″ versions). According to Lin, part of the holdup right now is a lack of batteries, due to a fire eariler this month, but that should resolve itself soon.
Full article at DigiTimes