Hothardware has benchmarked the Lenovo ThinkPad X300 against a few other laptops, and one segment focused on the speed of the X300’s 64GB Solid State Drive (SSD).
The benchmarks included the Asus U6S (12.1″, Intel Core 2 Duo, Late 2007), a Dell XPS M1730 (17″), and an ASUS C90S (15.4″). The U6S, M1730, and C90S all are running mechanical serial ATA (SATA) drives, with the M1730 actually running two SATA drives in a RAID 0 format, which allows for much faster performance.
The results were impressive – over 2.5 times faster than the RAID 0 M1730, and between 4x and 4.9x faster than the U6S and C90S.
Full Review: HotHardware