Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablet and Solid State Drives

Lenovo ThinkPad Not sure how long Lenovo has been offering this, but in addition to offering flash memory-based Solid State Drives (SSDs) on their 13.3-inch Lenovo ThinkPad X300s, they are also offering 64GB SSDs for their 12.1-inch Lenovo ThinkPad X61 Tablets (non-widescreen), as well as some ThinkPad T61s.

These are not being offered on their non-Tablet ThinkPad X61.

The advantages they list:
– Faster boot times
– Faster application load times
– Lower power usage
– Less heat production
– Greater durability
– Quiet operation

Cost of those advantages: $1030 (USD) on top of the base price.

Read: Lenovo and Soild State Drives (US)