I’m planning on buying an HP 2133 Mini-Note PC very shortly, and have been poking around the web, checking availability. The prices right now are all over the place – I’m guessing that with heavy demand and limited supply, some retailers are pricing accordingly. While I’m waiting for the Windows XP version in a few weeks (although it’s getting more and more tempting to grab one now and load XP myself), I was pleased to see that it’s in stock at some of the major US stores online :
HP 2133 Mini-Note (KX870AT) 1.6GHz, 2GB Memory, 120GB HDD, Vista
– HP 2133 Mini-Note (KX870AT) – Amazon – $779.99
– HP 2133 Mini-Note (KX870AT) – Buy.com – $808.99
HP 2133 Mini-Note PC (KX868AT) 1.2GHz, 1GB Memory, 120GB HDD, Linux
– HP 2133 Mini-Note (KX868AT) – Buy.com – $684.19
It has not shown up at any brick & mortar retailers (as far as I know).