Over the weekend, several articles about the 11.1-inch Lenovo IdeaPad U110 went up on a couple of websites.
First, JerryJ over at NotebookReview.com posted his review of the U110. Like others, they had complaints about the display and the overall glossy look and feel, as well as the price.
Rob Bushway over at GottaBeMobile posted a video using the U110’s built-in webcam and Lenovo’s Easy Capture application (and encountered voice/video sync problems).
He also posted an article and photos about typing on the U110 and some of the problems he encountered (getting caught under the corners of surrounding keys).
James Kendrick over at jkOnTheRun posted a response, and mentioned that he had the same problems that Rob did and posted a video of him using ArcSoft Webcam Companion that didn’t have the same issues.