Intel Announces Atom Resources for Developers

Intel Atom Today, Intel announced the launch of the Atom Software Developers Community. There will be plenty of room for coverage of netbook developers.

Intel’s Jeff Moriarty made the posting that announced this launch yesterday morning. Chippy over at UMPC Portal has put together a pretty good writeup that covers just what all this means and how it could affect netbooks (i.e. where is the emphasis of the Intel Atom platform going to be).

Even though it sounds like it’s mainly oriented towards Mobile Internet Device (MIDs) manufacturers (as chippy pointed out in their UMPC Portal posting), Jeff makes it clear that it covers a lot more as far as Intel is concerned:

The Atom community is closely tied to the existing Mobile Developer Community and the Moblin program, but targets more than just Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs). We’re working on content for other form factors, like netbooks, in addition to general topics like user interface design and power efficient software.

Via: UMPC Portal