Akihabara News has information and quite a few photos from a press conference at Roppongi (Tokyo), that Sony held, to showcase their new Intel Centrino 2 offerings. Included is information on a couple of 13.3-inch Z-series models, that will probably only be for Asia / Japan only (North American models were listed as VGN-Z570AN, VGN-Z570FN, VGN-Z575FN).
First up is the VGN-Z70B – available August 9 (no pricing). It’s powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo P9500 (2.53GHz) CPU, with the Nvidia GeForce 9300M GS (128MB) graphics chipset (resolution = 1366×768), and it has 2GB of memory and a 200GB HDD.
Next is the VGN-Z90PSA, powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 (2.40GHz) CPU, and also coming with the Nvidia GeForce 9300M GS GPU (128MB, 1366×768) graphics chipset and 1GB of memory, 200GB HDD.
Also mentioned is one of their S-Series offerings, the VGN-SR90FSA with an Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 CPU, 1GB of memory, possibly an ATI graphics chipset, and a 160GB HDD.
Read: Akihabara News