Asus Eee PC Showing Up at “Plus” Grocery Stores

Asus Eee PC 2G Here in Texas, we have a grocery store chain based out of Central Texas, H-E-B, that has what are known as “Plus” Stores.

These are larger than normal grocery stores that carry other household goods that don’t fall into what yo would normally buy at a traditional grocery store in the US.

Low and behold this morning, when I opened my Sunday paper, right there on the front page of the H-E-B Plus ad, they had a bright pink 7″ Asus Eee PC 2G being advertised for $299.99

– Black, Pink, White
– Linux

It will definitely be interesting to see how this turns out – netbooks are turning up in (in the US) in mainstream electronics retailers, and now in larger grocery stores.

The ad is below:

Asus Eee PC at HEB Plus

Asus Eee PC at HEB Plus