Gigabyte M912M vs M912X

Gigabyte M912 Netbook UMPC Portal has done a comparison between two models of the 8.9″ convertible Gigabyte M912 netbook – one of the very few netbooks that converts back and forth between a Tablet-style device and a regular laptop-style device.

They are comparing the M912M with the M912X (and mention the M912V).

Among the highlights:
– Display: M912X has a higher resolution, but M912M has an LED-backlit display
– Battery life: M912M has a noticeable advantage
– Heat: M912M seems to have better heat management
– Price: M912M is cheaper.

They also mention that an extended 6-cell battery for the M912 series will be available sometime in October (but few details are available).

Read: UMPCPortal