HP’s new 10″ (and 8.9″) HP Mini 1000 was revealed over the weekend and it is indeed running on a different platform than its business-oriented predecessor, the 8.9″ HP 2133 Mini-Note. It’s powered by an Intel Atom which wasn’t available when the 2133 launched (the 2133 has a VIA C7-M).
They have unfortunately dropped the higher-resolution display (1280×768) that some of the 2133s had. You have the option of 8GB or 16GB Solid State Drives (SSD) or a 60GB HDD. Memory is the standard DDR2, with one slot and a maximum of 1GB (correction: 2GB).
On the other hand, it’s starting at $399, which is less than the original 2133, and it’s smaller and sleeker and weighs less with the 10″ display than the 2133 did with an 8.9″ display. It comes with a 3-cell battery, but 6-cell options will be available within a few months. The upgrade options are very reasonable as far as pricing. Initially it will be shipping with Windows XP Home (SP3) installed, with options for “Mobile Internet Experience” (built on Ubuntu Linux) available early next year (starting at $379).
This is unique: Up to 8GB of extra storage via the HP Mini Mobile Drive accessory, which is housed within the HP Mini. It’s basically an internal USB flash drive that can be removed, and allows for secured user data – when properly configured, it can be removed and no personal information will be left on the mini.
It is currently available for order through the HP Mini 1000 series page at HP’s Home and Office website and looks to be shipping November 11, 2008.