Yesterday’s announcement of the 10″ Dell Inspiron Mini 10 left a lot of people wondering, including myself.
Would the 10 relegate the Function-keys to an alternet row, like the 8.9″ Inspiron Mini 9?
What’s the resolution, given that Dell was touting an “Edge-to-Edge” 16:9 720p display?
Just what will be optional – are the TV tunner and built-in GPS going to be a part of every Mini 10, or will they be paid options?
Some of these questions have been answered – Engadget has posted a gallery showing the the Inspiron Mini 10 gets a dedicated Function-key row back, that was missing with the Inspiron Mini 9. They also discussed the Mini 10’s multi-touch trackpad. The buttons are located in the corners, and besides the usuals (zooming/scrolling), you can put three fingers on the touchpad and it brings up a launcher aplication. They’ve also posted a gallery that compares the Mini 10 size-wise to the Mini 9, the 12″ Inspiron Mini 12, and the 13.3″ Apple MacBook Air.
Read: – Engadget