As CES 2009 comes to a close, quite a few people are getting a chance to take a close look at the new 8″ Sony VAIP P with its extra-high resolution display (1600×768)
LAPTOP Magazine got their hands on a pre-production model and have reviewed it, giving it 3.5 out of 5 stars, with the main drawback being the performance versus the price. The model reviewed has an Intel Atom Z530 (1.33GHz), but there are 1.86GHz VAIO P’s in the pipeline, and they mention that many people will probably want to check out the public beta of Windows 7 which should offer better performance.
jkOnTheRun has posted an 11-minute long video and hands-on of the VAIO P. Kevin Tofel mentioned that it feels lighter than the 1.4 pounds it’s listed at (when usually it’s the other way around), and that it’s a “well designed device”. Even though it’s only 8″ and yet has a high-resolution, he found the display to be quite readable. High-definition version.
Engadget got their chance to take a look at it, and they were impressed with the design as well, calling it “just stunning”, and were also impressed at how readable and clear the display was, and mentioning that there are zoom in/out function keys in case you need to examine something in detail.
Engadget also discussed Windows 7 on the VAIO P, and posted a couple of videos. It booted faster and was a lot more responsive (especially in browsing the web). No Aero though.