Should you find yourself having problems with your broadband connection in the US or Canada, like I did (which I initially attributed to the heavy storms we had yesterday morning into yesterday afternoon), if you are still able to get some kind of connection, you need to make a visit to DSLReports.
Now the name is misleading – it’s not just DSL, the forums cover just about everything:
Canada: TekSavvy, Bell Sympatico, Rogers, just to name a few
US: Comcast, Road Runner, Charter, AT&T, Verizon Fiber Optics (I really wish I had fiber access in my area!)
Anyways, what I was hearing from my local broadband “tech support” (I’m using the term loosely here, as the support wasn’t much) was not matching the problems I was having. I guess my problems were not in their scripts (although it turned out I was definitely not alone in these problems). Through the forums, I was able to track down the problems and fix them on my own.
So if you are on broadband and in the US or Canada, bookmark or remember If you are lucky enough to have an alternate connection, or your connection is just workable enough to get on there, you may very well save a lot of frustration talking on the phone to somebody.