Mac OS X 10.5.5 Released

Apple MacBook Air Apple released Mac OS X 10.5.5 today. Among the updates and fixes were a couple of important ones for MacBook Air users:

Addresses stability issues with video playback, processor core idling, and remote disc sharing for MacBook Air.

There were also a couple of updates for iPhone users:
– Improves iPhone sync reliability with iCal and Address Book.
– Time Machine can now back up iPhone backups that are on your Mac, as well as other items in (~/Library/Application Support).

Other features of interest to mobile Mac users:
– Improves Spotlight indexing performance.
– Fixes an issue in which contacts might not sync properly with PalmOS-based devices.
– Includes extensive graphics enhancement

– Improves overall sync reliability.
– Improves Back to My Mac reliability.

Time Machine:
– Improves Time Machine reliability with Time Capsule.
– Addresses performance issues that may affect initial and in-progress backups.
– Fixes an issue in which an incorrect alert message could appear stating that a backup volume does not have enough free space.
