Last week, Xandros released a beta of Presto, a Xandros-based Linux distribution designed for laptops/netbooks and ultraportables as an “instant-on” OS environment. It’s considered a “pre-boot” environment that works with Windows XP and Windows Vista-based systems.
It allows you to quickly boot into an environment where you can do a quick check of email or you can browse the web. You can also access your Windows’ data as well as play media files (music, etc.). It includes Firefox for web browsing, as well as Skype for VOIP, plus applications to look at or edit documents you created with Microsoft Office. There’s also an application store with apps that are tailored for Presto.
Joanna Stern at LAPTOP Magazine first tried to install it with the new 10.1-inch Acer Aspire One AOD150, however there were some install problems, with the result being that they installed it on an 10-inch Asus Eee PC 1000H. She mentioned that the download/install file is only around 14MB in size. Connectivity was simple and fast. She’s included several screenshots showing off the interface as well as streaming, etc.
– PrestoMyPC – Main Presto site
– Presto Download Links
– Presto Application Store
– Xandros – Main website
Read: LAPTOP Magazine (Hands-On)