Interesting Laptop Patent Designs

Zigzag Designs has put together an interesting collection of laptop patents/inventions that have been filed over the past several years, including some from HP, IBM, and Samsung. Some of the ones with projection displays interested me – if you could work out a small enough projector with a decent resolution and refresh rate, it’s possible you could save weight, size, battery life, or all three (then again, nobody has done it so maybe it’s not possible).

Intel’s Ultra Mobile PC – Q1 Release?

TG Daily mentions that Intel’s “Ultra Mobile PC” is on track for a first quarter release.

This is going to be interesting – WWAN, GPS capabilities, standby times of up to a week, all in a device not much bigger than a paperback book – this is somewhere between a PDA and a very small notebook (the OQO as mentioned, and the Toshiba U100 series are good examples of this size) and may have a physical keyboard.

Flash Memory to Rival Hard Drives is carrying a story detailing plans Samsung has to start 16GB Nand Flash chip production later this year. This could definitely have an impact on ultraportables, probably starting in 2007 or thereabouts, although from the sound of things, it’s easily adapted, so it might even allow for retrofitting into existing laptops. Imagine being able to replace your current harddrive with Flash memory and increase your battery life substantially as well as adding some durability.